The Concrete Society’s TR34 Defined Movement, 3rd Edition (Now superseded by 4th Edition)

Two separate sections in TR 34 3rd Edition address the question of surface regularity within aisles of an industrial floor slab where guided materials handling equipment (MHE) is to be used.

Click here if you would like to view the latest specification – TR34 4th Edition.

Table 4.3: Permissible limits on Properties I, II and III in defined-movement areas.

Floor Classification MHE lift height Property I Property II Property III
            Wheel track up to 1.5 m Wheel track over 1.5 m
    95% 100% 95% 100% 95% 100% 95% 100%
Superflat (SF) Over 13 m 0.75 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 2.5 2.0 3.0
Category 1 8-13 m 1.5 2.5 2.5 3.5 2.5 3.5 3.0 4.5
Category 2 Up to 8 m 2.5 4.0 3.25 5.0 3.5 5.0 4.0 6.0

The floor is non-compliant if:

  • more than 5% of the total number of measurements in any aisle exceed the 95% property limit
  • any measurement in any aisle exceeds the 100% property limit, and
  • any point of the floor is outside ± 15mm of datum.

It is not possible to specify and impose these limits for defined movement unless the precise positions of aisles are known before construction.

Table C1: Floor classification for defined movement

Floor classification MHE lift height [1] Property Aunit [2] Property B  Property Cunit Property D
    Transverse elevational difference unit value – mm per m of load axle length Transverse rate of change for each 300 mm of forward travel. Fixed % of Property AMHE value Longitudinal eleveation difference unit value – mm per m of front to rear axle length = Aunit x 1.1 Longitudinal change in elevational difference for each 300 mm of forward travel (mm) = Aunit
DM 1 Over 13 m 1.3 75 1.4 1.3
DM 2 8 to 13 m 2.0 75 2.2 2.0
DM 3 Up to 8 m 2.5 75 2.8 2.5
[1] MHE heights are the same as those given in Table 4.3.
[2] Aunit in effect, defines the floor quality and could, in principle, be used for specification purposes.

These are designated defined movement (DM) areas. Table 4.3 of Chapter 4, and Table C1 of Appendix C, both assess the transverse and longitudinal profiles of the slab in defined movement areas or aisles.

While both measure the transverse characteristic, Chapter 4 only measures the longitudinal characteristics in the wheel-tracks of the outer two load wheels of the MHE over a short wavelength (i.e.300 & 600mm), whereas Appendix C also measures the elevational differences between front and rear axles.

Rear wheels are subject to the same potential effects as front wheels. Undulations may cause poor ride quality and under wheel cross-falls may cause steering problems.

In addition, where changes in elevational difference between the rear and front wheels are of sufficient magnitude, there will be longitudinal pitching or nodding effects.

Note: Face Consultants would always recommend the use of the latter Appendix C, Table C1 if bound by TR34 3rd Edition, due to the requirement to check all wheel positions.

Further information on the difference between the Chapter 4 and Appendix C can be seen in the Concrete Society Guidance Note see link below

Appendix C was based on the American F Min method of checking, and was the spring board for the current EN 15620:2008 and the method used in the 4th Edition of TR34 in Table 3.2.

Related Documents

Face Profileograph

Checking for compliance with Table C1 of Appendix C

Checking for compliance with Table C1 of Appendix C.

Note: all three wheel tracks are being checked

Only Two Wheels Checked

checking a range of defined movement specifications

Checking for compliance with Table 4.3 of Chapter 4.

Note: only the two outer load wheels are checked even though, in this case a 3 wheel truck is to be used.

Measurement Standards

TR34 4th Edition

TR34 4th Ed Chapter 3

The Concrete Society’s TR34 (4th Ed) Chapter 3

(Current Version)

EN 15620

EN 15620


Comparison table for Defined Movement Specifications

Flatness Comparisons

Comparison table for Defined Movement Specifications

TR34 3rd Edition

TR34 3rd Ed Chapter 4

The Concrete Society’s TR34 Free Movement (3rd Ed) Chapter 4

(Previous Version)*

* The Concrete Society’s TR34 3rd edition was superseded by the 4th edition in August 2013.
† Replaced 2021. New version has no flatness requirement.

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